Welcome to KoopAI

Experience Koop's proven ultrarunning coaching methodology through a sophisticated training system developed in direct collaboration with him.

Dear Runner,

We have been developing KoopAI for about a year, working closely with a small group of paying customers since last August. Their feedback has helped us build the app based on what runners actually need. We now feel ready to open access to a bigger group of runners, though we know there's still lots of work ahead.

In the current phase, we are focused on delivering a tailored training plan that adjusts dynamically based on your ongoing training. KoopAI replicates the same methodology I use when coaching my athletes personally. The replication is still not perfect, but we are working on it. To achieve this, we had to build a mathematical model of my coaching approach and implement it in code. We've prioritized getting this core functionality right over polishing the UI/UX, which explains the current rough edges in the user experience. While we'll certainly make the app more polished in the future, our primary focus now is perfecting the underlying training algorithm.

We have implemented a large part of the theory, but much remains to be done. At this stage, we can only accept runners who fit certain criteria. If you're placed on our waiting list, we'll reach out as soon as we implement the sector of the training theory that matches your specific needs.

The current price is $12/month. You can cancel your subscription anytime, and if you do so within the first 30 days, you'll receive a full refund.

The mission of KoopAI is to provide world-class coaching to every runner on the planet. We're just getting started!

Best regards,
Jason Koop